Ashish Aggarwal

Instructional Associate Professor
Department of Engineering Education
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida, Gainesville
Research Interests
• Learning Analytics • Computer Science Education • Computational Reasoning
• AI and Embedded Ethics • Engineering Education
I am an Instructional Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, University of Florida. My research focuses on Computer Science Education and Learning Analytics where I study the effectiveness of different formative learning approaches on students' learning outcomes and performance in introductory programming courses.
My Masters thesis work was on cultivating computational reasoning skills and mental simulation ability in K-12 students using Microsoft's Kodu Game Lab. I was fortunate to be advised by Christina Gardner-McCune (UF) and David Touretzky (CMU).
I teach the following courses:
COP 3502C: Programming Fundamentals I (Python)
COP 2271: Computer Programming for Engineers (MATLAB)
IDH 2930: (Un)Common Reads 'Zero to One' by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters